Leadership Commerce City tours Water and Rocky Mountain Arsenal

April 01, 2019

Leadership Commerce at the Water and Sanitation DistrictLeadership Commerce visits the Water and Sanitation DistrictLeadership Commerce visits the Water and Sanitation District in Commerce City Tour of Water and Sanitation DistrictTour of Water and Sanitation DistrictTour of Water and Sanitation District in Commerce City Rocky Mountain Arsenal TourRocky Mountain ArsenalLeadership Commerce City learns the history of Rocky Mountain Arsenal Deer at Rocky Mountain ArsenalDeer at Rocky Mountain ArsenalDeer at Rocky Mountain Arsenal as Leadership Commerce city toured the area Buffalo at Rocky Mountain Arsenal areaBuffalo at Rocky Mountain ArsenalBuffalo at Rocky Mountain Arsenal as Leadership Commerce City Tour Tour at The United States RepositoryRepository at Rocky Mountain ArsenalLeadership Commerce City takes a tour of the Repository at Rocky Mountain Arsenal


This month's Leadership Commerce City visited the South Adams County Water and Sanitation District.  Elemintal Photography was there again to take photographs of the group as they traveled around.  The morning began with the class learning about the process to clean the water and deliver it to families.  Removal and recycling the water is also a big part of the district's responsibility.  Recycling the water can be as challenging as cleaning it the first time.  They district was planning to break ground on a new treatment facility the next week.  

We toured one of the district's plants and visited with the engineer who monitors the water.  He talked about the various set it takes to purify the water and then how they monitor and maintain its purification.  There are several steps in the process and it can be handled in many ways.  

Next, we headed over to Rocky Mountain Arsenal to learn of the arsenal's history from a local historian.  The class also heard from one of the Rangers on the Arsenal.  This prepared the class for our tour as we loaded into the bus.  The animals were out in abundance as we saw many Buffalo, deer and birds.

Our last stop of the day was the United States Repository.  They house all the illegal wildlife and pieces of wildlife confiscated for the whole country.  The warehouse was huge that housed all the poor creatures that lost their lives for human gain.  We did learn that the repository is distributing some of the items located in the warehouse to class rooms for others to learn from.  This is the first repository in the world to redistribute and they hope it will catch on with other countries.  Another program offered through the Repository is the redistribution of feathers from Bald and Golden Eagles to Native Americans.  Native Americans use the feathers and other bird materials in their religious ceremonies and costumes.  The repository collects the birds that have died in all manner of ways.  Native American's can petition for a bird to use as needed.  The Fish and Wildlife process the  requests and then ship out the birds or their feathers as requested.  It was another interesting day for Leadership Commerce City.

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