Leadership Commerce City Public Safety

May 27, 2019

For the month of April, Leadership Commerce City toured the ADCOM (Adams County Communications).  Elemintal Photography followed along to take photographs and to learn as well.  The group learned what it would be like to serve multiple communities.  Joel Estes gave a great presentation about the components they serve to include Police, Fire and Ambulance.  They not only serve different fire and police departments they also cross-communication is maintained for jurisdictional purposes.  

LLC-ADCOMLCC visits ADCOMLeadership Commerce City visits ADCOM

Leadership Commerce City traveled over to the South Adams County Fire District.  They toured a fire house and learned what it takes to be a fireman.  This is a very interesting tour with a lot of information.

LCC_SACFDLCC at SACFDLeadership Commerce City tours South Adams County Fire Department

Last the group toured the Police department and learned more specifics about the police and the services they provide.  They toured a swat vehicle.  Chef Nichols encouraged everyone to learn more about community policing and thanked them for their continues support.

LCC-SwatLLC in SWAT VehicleLeadership Commerce City touring Commerce City Police Department


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